does scrimshaw of sacrifice work on dxp. It defies the very definition of the art. does scrimshaw of sacrifice work on dxp

 It defies the very definition of the artdoes scrimshaw of sacrifice work on dxp 5-2% base XP boost

Scrimshaw on plastic is just dumb. 1. arch in a few weeks). Each scrimshaw requires two to ten ancient bones to make and provides 4,000 Fletching experience. You have to activate it, wear it, then activate it again. Added to game. Due to the fact that you don’t get drops from slayer dummies, pretty sure you can guess no that sacrifice scrim doesn’t work. Sports. I tried some at gemstone dragons. Sacrificing minions is a huge difficulty increase into playing Necromancer. Not sure if it was an intentional change or a bug or whatever but it is how it is. The only downside is that u won't be able to use a vamp scrim if u are using melee. It. It is classified as a tier 1 luck enhancer, and it will not affect chances for drops and rewards in other luck tiers. I said definitely, so I teled and met him at Edgeville, and he gave me 3 scrimshaws of sacrifice, valued at just under 5mil, I thanked him profusely, he told me to get back to training 'go go go' were his words. A family holiday to Paris starts off well – until Eloim meets a sexy succubus on a boy's night out at an Abba tribute concert. Likewise, it stacks additively with the potion (i. Has the effect been nerfed for DXPW?Hello all, I have a question about the scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive). The bombs are stackable in the inventory and can be banked. 6k - 13% 3 Month Change - 1. Scrimshaw of corruption / sacrifice for Slayer experience; combat experience still receives a boost to 250% total; Tomes of experience. Personally I see it as a skill to work on during dxp if you want to get a lot of artefacts for. [deleted] •. Mined ores can be smelted at a furnace, turning them into bars that can be made into metal objects using the Smithing skill, Construction skill, or Crafting skill. Share. View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit Not getting slayer bonus exp (scrimshaw of sacrifice) just wondering if it actually works on dxp or not?tehdankbox. CryptoPretty much the title. level 2 · 4 yr. They impart a range of benefits, many of which are geared towards increasing level gain during high-levelled training. It is a reward from completing the Biologist and Missionary storylines, as well as a reward from their specific voyages, and some standard voyages. Maybe it has a cap of 300% or something. Not to mention that it’s monsters that you’re assigned,. ago. Digital experience platforms don’t come cheap. However, in response to almost every topic/bug/improvement brought up by players, is that it's not a priority right now. Why so? Last year it doubled both :/ Advertisement Coins. Scrimshaw's containing lower charges may be combined to fully restore its charge. I'm level 111 slayer with 22m BXP, and I was kinda hoping to get 120 on this DXP (with this amount of BXP + DXP I can get 120, the problem is I need to do it efficiently). The scrimshaw of sacrifice is a pocket slot item. 5 Prayer XP would have been gained from. best save them for after. ago. They impart a range of benefits, many of which are geared towards increasing level gain during high-levelled training. To have access to the Scrimshaw Crafter, the player must have at least built a refitted workshop which costs 500 black slate and 2,000 bamboo. It otherwise acts identically - while active, all primary drops from the monster are automatically destroyed in exchange for 50% more combat (and Slayer, if on-task) experience. 2. Do low lvl slayer masters for quick tasks 1-9 and every 10th task do the highest master you can. I did some kalgerion demon at daemonheim and got myself over 6k slayer xp drop when the base slayer xp is around 1800. Also even if you don't participate in dxp or the yak track, restriction could still. Ancient bones are used in the creation of scrimshaws at a Scrimshaw Crafter, as well as Death Lotus darts and their off-hand counterparts at the workbench. Nayfaan 18:26, 22 May 2021 (UTC)Like bonus xp & double xp, do scrimshaws stack on top? For example during slayer - could I use a scrimshaw of sacrifice with my dxp enabled for further, faster xp gains? Thanks for taking the time to read & reply!Prime Gaming. That is way too tryhard for costing like 250k/hr. Also bare in mind despite saying "25-30M/hour" it's only ~16M/hour in an individual combat skill as shown in the VOD. I afk'd my way to 120 by using the Sacrifice scrimshaw and Aggression flasks. ago. ago. This scrimshaw will work on ALL wisps/springs. Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive) 3,277,733: Superior scrimshaw of sacrifice: 95 10 : A scrimshaw twisted with corrupt power, when worn you will receive no drops but will receive more Combat and. So, I decided now would be a pretty good time to use some of those Scrimshaws of Sacrifice I've had in my bank for god knows how long. We have so many dxp per year that you can do skill later this year on the next dxp. There are no hard. That doesn't mean it doesn't cost time. Ghasois. 7m gp: No: Yes:Does Scrimshaw of Sacrifice destroy Raptor Key parts?. The Shadow Reef is accessed from the eastern shore of Daemonheim. Huge knowledge bomb. 43176 - Superior scrimshaw of sacrifice, A scrimshaw twisted with corrupt power, when worn you will receive no drops but will receive more Combat and Slayer XP. The inferior scrimshaw is tradeable, costing 771,433, and lasts for 3 hours. At vyres, I get 1692 ranged xp per kill with the scrim on. Instead your strengths unfold from ideas that actually generate excitement. vM_Gasman • 2 yr. 1. The scrimshaw can be activated on and off for a total of 4 hours, after which it degrades to dust. But I know those scrimshaws work weirdly (for instance, they don't block ancient page…For DXP-NPs, DXP and DXM concentrations in plasma remained high for almost 18 h, much longer than the commercial injectable form of dexamethasone sodium phosphate, which only reaches a DXM concentration of 56 µM (C max) after injection (Fig. 0 coins. I would guess no, they should work when restoring artifacts though. Possible it's all natural forces at work or perhaps a massive wave of PvM bots getting speed created, but I believe the former explanation pretty much. The scrimshaw of sacrifice is a pocket slot item. Someone correct me if I am wrong Keep in mind - people tend to speak about tasks in xp/hr but thats an extrapolation. Wise - 1-4% boost. 453 kg. 2. Here is a compiled list of those that should potentially work. Mechanized Chinchompas are an excellent tool for these, though they are. 2. Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive) 3,485,696: Superior scrimshaw of sacrifice: 95 10 : A scrimshaw twisted with corrupt power, when worn you will receive no drops but will receive more Combat and. The scrimshaw can be activated on and off for a total of 4 hours after which it degrades to dust. While active, this item will combine the effects of both the scrimshaw of aggression and the scrimshaw of. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The scrimshaw is a. Made by using 10 Ancient bones with a Scrimshaw of sacrifice after purchasing the scroll from Bryll . Scrimshaws price did take a hit with the release of the new god books however. During certain bonus experience events (such as Double XP Live), the dwarven chainaxe cannot be used. Scrimshaw of sacrifice prob won't workBusiness, Economics, and Finance. Dxp does work on citadel, but im not sure if the boost item for citadel will also work so don't quote me on that. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Last I checked, the scrimshaw takes first priority, so no bones will drop, so no prayer restoral. darkkaladin • 8 yr. vM_Gasman • 2 yr. does anyone know if the scrimshaw of sacrifice and corruption's 50% xp will stack with double xp weekend? i have a bunch of em from killing the mimic and would like to know. Something similar happened during the 50% bonus slay xp weekend but the scrimshaw was hotfixed to provide bonus on top of that. ago. 0. I tested this once with a 1x Hydrix + 4x Croc room in my PoSD. ProductsOriginal Post — Direct link I was wondering if the scrimshaw of sacrifice works on DXP weekend for just the combat exp? I dont really care for the slayer exp because my goal is getting 120 magic in the ED3 dungeon. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics RuneScape. I understand doubling the scrim effect would be overpowered, but can we get the extra 50% xp it provides stacked on top of the doubled base xp? I don't understand why its effects were completely voided last DXP. It otherwise acts identically - while active, it makes a random nearby monster aggressive when the user is not under attack. Exactly, yes. sacrifice only affects primary drop table, anything charms, offtable or tert table still drops. You should probably do easy if all your chasing is the scrimshaw. Mining rates based on player conditions. We recommended abyss + scrimshaw of sacrifice after giant mimic. Nothing on their droptable tempts me and I like xp. Scrimshaw of cruelty: 80 : 5% Ranged damage Degrades to dust after 3 hours. Temporary skill boosts do not work. There's no better time to develop your RuneScape skills than Double XP LIVE. I was wondering if the scrimshaw of sacrifice works on DXP weekend for just the combat exp? I dont really care for the slayer exp because my goal is getting 120 magic in the ED3 dungeon. Making scrimshaw is a benefit of the workshop’s experience. For example; Combining two 3 hour superior scrimshaws will create one full charged scrimshaw (4 hour's) and one (2 hour. Yea that's why I was asking. The scrimshaw of corruption is a pocket slot item. Gems and geodes can be cut utilising the Crafting skill. Cos i know scrim works on dxp for combat, but. Seedicide is an item that automatically destroys selected seeds dropped by monsters in combat, in exchange for double the experience the player would normally receive from planting the seeds in a Farming patch. Several bombs can be activated at once, each increasing the boost duration by an additional hour. CryptoDoes Scrimshaw of Sacrifice provide the Slayer XP boost on Double XP weekend? This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics RuneScape MMORPG Role-playing video. Basically, excluding rare tradable loot like your abyssal whip, staff of. darkkaladin • 8 yr. However, you’ll need Antifire potions. Business, Economics, and Finance. Mining - /wiki Mining calculators. hotfix 19 July 2021 ( Update ): Inactive stackable Scrimshaws can no longer be combined with active ones for free additional time. The Archaeology and Invention skills work differently than other skills during double XP events, in the following. • 8 yr. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. ago. Redirecting to /r/runescape/comments/i8998k/why_isnt_the_scrimshaw_of_sacrifice_listed_in_dxp/g173phb/. Quick find code: 17-18-422-66197103 Back to Top. Superior scrimshaw of sacrifice: 95 4,000 Superior scrimshaw of aggression: 95 4,000 Superior scrimshaw of corruption: 95. I figured this was a good time to post this. So if anyone else is using it as a target-rich. Suffering is the result of feeling that we cannot slow down or else we will be shamed and lose control. However, when the transaction. 5K 4K Total. SharkBaitDLS • 1 yr. View community ranking In the Top 20% of largest communities on Reddit should Ironsight add more drones . However, organizations should carefully consider their specific needs, resources, and budget constraints before committing to. The Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive) was part of a Treasure Hunter Promotion and can be activated to obtain no drops and +50% experience on kills for 1 hour. A superior scrimshaw of corruption is an upgraded scrimshaw of corruption that lasts for 4 hours when active instead of 1. Pez23 • 5 yr. Sacrifice makes us who we are. 81M. Scrimshaw's containing lower charges may be combined to fully restore its charge. Help to be a sacrificial giver. tatooine0 • 8 yr. Most of them can be created at the Scrimshaw Crafter in the workshop of a player-owned port with the Fletching skill. 5x in combat. Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive) An unpowered scrimshaw twisted with corrupt power, when worn you will receive no drops but will receive more Combat and Slayer XP. It can be made in the Player-owned ports workshop at 92 Fletching with 10 ancient bones after all 4 scroll pieces have been obtained. The scrimshaw of sacrifice is a pocket slot item. SoS will eat the bones before bonecrusher can bury them. Nope. I did hydrix dragons on dragon/gemstone dragon cluster tasks from Lanikaia, easily 2m slayer xp per task with a scrimshaw of sacrifice, stack that on a dxp and its ridiculous xp/hr farming the ed2 portion. I still got drops and the boosted exp. transition into full manual and get great xp for doing so, however the current combat xp system won’t let it work, due to the way the combat xp system itself works. I only ask because it seems like it is worth far less than its g. Beginning on a Friday with 48 hours in-game timer to use over 14 days and ends on the Monday. Prayer brawling gloves boosts the experience gained multiplicatively. You get 48 hours of Double XP goodness to use however you like over the course of 10. We will value the Superior Energy Gathering scrimshaw at this cost, as it requires the. So enjoy 50% more xp next time you’re using combat dummies! Does Scrimshaw of sacrifice stack with bonus XP? Augmented items’ XP will NOT receive. Each scrimshaw of sacrifice will last for one hour of activation before crumbling to dust. Business, Economics, and Finance. The description. This scrimshaw can be combined with a scrimshaw of aggression (inactive) to create a scrimshaw of corruption (inactive). update 20. Temporary skill boosts do not work. I think the slowest task still only takes twenty minutes. What is Scrimshaw made of? Scrimshaw is. A person who does 'scrimshaw' is known today as a. I really don't want to miss out on a possible HSR drop since I'll be camping all my combat skills to 200m. Nayfaan 18:26, 22 May 2021 (UTC)Double up your XP Gains. no slayer boost from scrimshaw of sacrifice during dxp. Use aggression potions and use the northern spawns as southern spawns are too spread out for the potion to work. 1. Scrimshaw can be only made at the player-owned port, in a refitted workshop or a workshop of a higher tier. Bones burned via cremation do not benefit from the powder's effects. They don't stack on DXP, no, but they work in Elite Dungeons and you actually get a lot of the loot anyways. It can be activated for a total of 3 hours - can be toggled off and on - before turning to dust. Buy the scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive) on ge. Make sure you only activate the scrimshaw at the xp drop, and deactivate immediately after, will last forever! WasV3. Spring Fayre will NOT be effected by DXP. It seems like they shouldn't, because they aren't really drops. Crypto5x is the more reasonable thing for some things, but even as high as 20x could still leave high end combat training at 100K-150K (with scrimshaw of sacrifice)/hour. So enjoy 50% more xp next time you’re using combat dummies! Does Scrimshaw of sacrifice stack with bonus XP? Augmented items’ XP will NOT receive the 50% boost. Category: Strategies. 6k + 11%;Does scrimshaw of sacrifice work with necromancy? Also are there any requirements for tier 80 necromancy gear? I have 80 defense and necro, assuming I do the challenge to unlock it, will i be able to use it? Someone said i’d need 80 magic, range, melee, con, etc to use it but the wiki doesn’t mention that. Scrimshaw of sacrifice does not work with slayer during dxp, however combat experience works. Scrimshaw of sacrifice (inactive) 3,783,934: Superior scrimshaw of sacrifice: 95 10 : A scrimshaw twisted with corrupt power, when worn you will receive no drops but will receive more Combat and. Temporary skill boosts do not work. Dragon Rider amulet cancels out the powder's effects. Cos i know scrim works on dxp for combat, but does miss out with slayer xp. The scrimshaw can be activated on and off for a total of 3 hours after which it degrades to dust. It requires 80 Strength to wield. Talk: Scrimshaw of sacrifice. 5x from scrimshaw for 2. 222. The scrimshaw of sacrifice is a pocket slot item. . It is obtained in inactive form from the loot chests awarded upon killing the Giant Mimic , or from. (This isn't the first bug to exploit the scrimshaw of sacrifice. • 3 yr. I'm currently training at Ripper Demons and was curious if my Scrimshaw of Sacrifice is blocking my ability to receive the Miner Journals. For example, combining two 3 hour superior scrimshaws will create one fully charged scrimshaw (4 hours) and one half. " Rare and important whale tooth. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. Scrimshaw of ranging: 85 : 2% Ranged accuracy Degrades to dust after 3 hours. (Lasts 4 hours). e. Does anyone know if they can work together ? or do dxp rules extend here. ago. ago. Also, in case some aren’t aware, Scrimshaw of of Sacrifice and Scrimshaw of Corruption work with Shattered Worlds as well, despite no drops there to begin with. They do stack on DXP, I just concluded. The XP from the scrim is additive and not doubled by the weekend. Advanced pulse core - Medium prismatic lamp worth of experience plus 2-10% boost. In addition to what other people said, doing wilderness slayer is a great way to farm points and make some decent money if you get to the decimation tier. MTX Confirmed on Stream Wise Per High likelihood that will work; Clan Avatar Torstol incense sticks Desert Pantheon Aura. It defies the very definition of the art. It doesn't give prayer xp for the same reason it doesn't give summoning xp. Maybe we are just the unlucky ones. I assume so, crystalize works with bonus exp. reportExtremely fast task - use a unicorn stallion or a scrimshaw of vampyrism with Soul Split flicking to restore any lost health. [1] All scrimshaw have both a tradeable and a superior, untradeable version. True, i havent used since they were tradeable, but for gemstones its pretty easy since slow kills. Auto-sanctifier will continue to consume charges and give no additional experience. The superior rock-crushing scrimshaw is a pocket slot item that can be made at your Player-owned port workshop at level 85 Fletching from 4 Ancient bones after all 4 scroll pieces have been obtained. I was just looking into the Scrimshaw of Sacrifice following today's Mimic update and as someone who still has quite a way to go with slayer, they really interest me. Business, Economics, and Finance. There's no better time to develop your RuneScape skills than Double XP LIVE. This change limits it to 70B an hour if a similar bug is found. Weight. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. No extra experience for restoring artifacts. 5K 3K 3. 1. 07-Jan-2021 19:55:18 Jun 2019. The urn fills with experience the player would have earned if the impious or accursed ashes it collects from slain demonic creatures had been scattered instead. This effect will only work with melee attacks. " I tried turning lootshare on and off, but it changed nothing. DraCam1. They used materials taken from sea animals, mainly whales but also porpoises, walruses, and even mollusks. The small knowledge bomb is an item initially introduced and granted to Premier Club holders on 1 April 2021. I know it doesn't work on DXP but I'm asking it since planning to get 99 slayer after dxp. This does not consume additional charges. There are no hard. Double XP LIVE is currently active until Monday 20 November, 2023 (12:00 GMT). Does Scrimshaw of sacrifice work on invention? Achievement Enthusiast | Here to Help! It does not, no. Idk just keep them in for a couple days at mid price or like -5% or just click the -20% a few times and sell it. You will still receive any secondary drops, such as charms. Scrimshaw can be only made at the player-owned port, in a refitted workshop or a workshop of a higher tier. i used one today at hydrix dragons and it didn't destroy the clue scroll that I got as a dropped so that was nice. It can be made in the Player-owned ports workshop at 92 Fletching with 10 ancient bones after all 4 scroll pieces have been obtained. Do low lvl slayer masters for quick tasks 1-9 and every 10th task do the highest master you can. It otherwise acts identically - while active, all primary drops from the monster are automatically destroyed in exchange for 50% more combat (and Slayer, if on-task) experience. XP Modifiers obtained in-game will work with Necromancy. They impart a range of benefits, many of which are geared towards increasing level gain during high-levelled training. Stand Alone Ultimate passive skill also needs to increase damage dealt by the Necromancer and reduce recast times by the same (6/12/18%) -2% per minions. They can be created at level 92 Fletching, requiring one set of ancient bones and 25 ascension shards, granting 250 experience. While the scrimshaw is active, the player receives 50% extra combat experience when killing monsters, in addition to 50% extra Slayer experience when killing monsters on a. [deleted] •. Tested multiple times during a slayer assignment. This reflects DXPE's revenue growth and investment in project related work. 27,654 followers. Therefore, the skills that benefit most from this event are Construction, Crafting, Herblore, and Summoning. 5k with it on. The designs, executed by whale fishermen of American and Anglo-American origin, were carved with either a jackknife or a sail needle and then emphasized with black pigments, commonly lampblack. Not sure if this is intentional or not, but the scrimshaw of sacrifice gives the +50% xp boost even when used on combat dummies. It otherwise acts identically - while active, all primary drops from the monster are automatically destroyed in exchange for 50% more combat (and Slayer, if on-task) experience. Learn elite dungeon 3 trash farming and go to world 2 for the teammates Business, Economics, and Finance. ago. Business, Economics, and Finance. Tradeable bonds may be traded to other players and sold on the Grand Exchange. This list was created dynamically. Needs detailed item image. Fletching while your cannon is firing does not work – you should now receive a message about this when you try. so it doesnt give the 50% bonus during dxp? It's sort of the same way that the demonic skull doesn't work during dbxp either for runecrafting. The Mask of the Kura is obtained from the Shattered Worlds Reward Shop for 7 million anima, and provides several bonuses for players looking to train their Slayer skill, including bonus XP, extra damage, and double drops. Examine. Elite dungeons. Double up your XP Gains. The scrimshaw can be activated on and off for a total of 3 hours after which it degrades to dust. Quite possible it overrode the bonus from scrim, like how some things don't stack with dxp weekends. It can also be split into the constituent scrimshaws. Business, Economics, and Finance. Yep, I used it with enlightenment so should be exactly the same. It will still add 50% on to the base XP, but scrimshaw bonus XP is not doubled. When Sacrifice is used, the player deals 20-100% weapon damage to their target regardless of protection. Also ED3 is very fast combat XP even without dxp. Doesnt work for slayer. The scrimshaw of corruption is a pocket slot item. Among the more practical forms were sailor’s tools and these included specialized items such as seam rubbers used to press the seams of sails, serving mallets, used to keep tension on twine while doing rope. Temporary skill boosts do not work. Considering that this was the effect before the rework, and currently the examine just says it adds crit chance, I would imagine the scrimshaw effect has just been reworked fully. Seedicide is an item that automatically destroys selected seeds dropped by monsters in combat, in exchange for double the experience the player would normally receive from planting the seeds in a Farming patch. The present article treats the nature of sacrifice and surveys the theories. Understanding the power of sacrifice. 5 it normally gives right? So it would at least stack with the DXP? Let me know if this is right. Does Scrimshaw of sacrifice work on dummies? Not sure if this is intentional or not, but the scrimshaw of sacrifice gives the +50% xp boost even when used on combat dummies. Slayer is the only skill "better" to train with a scrimshaw of sacrifice than combats like magic. • 7 days ago. However, I'm worried the Champion Scroll would not show up as the Sacrificial Scrim would eat it. • 6 yr. Scrimshaw can be only made at the player-owned port, in a refitted workshop or a workshop of a higher tier. Vanity items. On DXP with Demonic Skull you get +450% base xp (+350% from skull and +100% from DXP). ago. While the extra 4% accuracy (2% if using inferior scrimshaw) does improve the consistency of your hits, cruelty increases your average DPS much more and by extension will better improve your kill speeds. Lasts 1 hour. Date Posted: Apr 2, 2020 @ 9:28am. The scrimshaw of vampyrism is available from the Player-owned ports minigame . I'm going more towards cannon taking the kill. CryptoLasts 4 hours. The change is a step in the right direction, but reportedly the guys bot farm was making 700B an hour. ago. You can use Bonecrushers with Notepaper, the Demon Horn Necklace, or use Scrimshaw of Sacrifice for extra EXP. I get it 1361 with it off. • 5 yr. Cannot be alchemised. If yes, feel free to use the sacrifice/corruption scrimshaw. 0 coins. Pickpocketing NPCs that have seeds on their loot table does destroy seeds, but gives no farming experience for doing so. Slayer is the only skill "better" to train with a scrimshaw of sacrifice than combats like magic. ago. Scrimshaw of sacrifice does not give any xp with dxp but still sacrifices your loot. Does Scrimshaw of sacrifice work on dummies? Not sure if this is intentional or not, but the scrimshaw of sacrifice gives the +50% xp boost even when used on combat dummies. A superior scrimshaw of sacrifice is an upgraded scrimshaw of sacrifice that lasts for 4 hours when active instead of 1. Profit with time saved. Posts: 6. To have access to the scrimshaw crafter, the player must have at least built a refitted workshop which costs 500 black slate and 2,000 bamboo. Large knowledge bomb. The profit rate assumes 30 kills per hour on the hard mimic, assuming 120 seconds a kill. Lasts 4 hours. Demonic skull by default is 350% base xp modifier for abyss runecrafting, and DXP is a 100% base xp modifier, both together add up to 450%, which is why people tell you not to do runecrafting on DXP. It stacks additively; so with Demonic Skull you get +350% base xp. You sure? Thoughts on the best place to use scrimshaw of sacrifice, namely for combat XP. 5. That is way too tryhard for costing like 250k/hr. Trimmed main, maxed iron, dead HC. they should. Pro Tip: You can use (superior) scrimshaw of sacrifice to further boost your slayer gains for no drops. I would keep it for. YT: Waswere. ReplyHELP! I am getting the exact same slayer xp with and without scrimshaw of sacrifice!The Archaeology and Invention skills work differently than other skills during double XP events, in the following ways:. Double XP LIVE is the most relaxing way to make the most of the skill grind. Please check your post adheres to the rules to prevent it being removed and flair your post with the most appropriate option. That is way too tryhard for costing like 250k/hr. Stackable: No.